When I set the GMT offset time in clock of 6600 to +530 then all my call log
shows half hour prior to the actual time logged, and if it is -530 then log
shows after half hour of actual time and if the same is set at +500 or -500
then the call log shows correct time of the call logged. But further I am
not able to set the offset to + or - 500 as Psiloc world clock pro changes
the timing to exactly +530 indian timing. Does anyone has a solution?
The log timings depends on the time set in your mobile clock. If you change
the timing and make a call the log shows the changed time only. My previous
post meant if th clock offset minutes is "00" and any hour, then log timings
is accurate to the time set on clock. But opening World clock pro changes it
automatically to +530 as the home location is india. and as the minutes
offset changes to "30" the log time varies. If I dont use World clock pro
nothing changes.