The operator logo is the picture on top of your phone screen, in most cases
is the name of your operator.
How to change it for a nice picture? You can do this by diferent ways:
First create this folder if you dont have it:
The operator logo will be stored on it...)
You can use FExplorer (any jpeg/bmp, no resize), seleQ (any image, it will
resize it) --> select the image you want be operator logo, select
options-file-set as operator logo.
You can make your own logo:
The operator logos have the following format:
For example, for Spain:
Amena: 214 03 -> 214_3_0.BMP
Movistar: 214 07 -> 214_7_0.BMP
Vodafone: 214 01 -> 214_1_0.BMP
Smart: 515 01
Globe: 515 02
The size for bmp is 97 x 25 pixels.
Also, you can store diferent logos for diferent operators. For example if
you change your SIM to other operator, you will see the other logo, or if
you travel to other countries, you can store diferent logos for the
operators in this countries.
You have a list of country codes and network codes here , just ignore the
first "0" in network code if any.
If you want to delete the logo to restore the original (name of the
operator) just delete the bmp file from c:\system\apps\phone\oplogo.